There has been a failure to reach Indigenous employment quotas which goes against the principles of equity, fairness, and inclusivity.
The Indigenous Kore has created a module within its system that allows Indigenous employees the opportunity to opt into share their cultural identity. By doing this we are able to collect meaningful data for our mission to increase these inclusion numbers. How do we compel the sharing of this information from private organizations? We do this by taking a top-down approach through our Vendor View module. TIK will work with governing bodies to activate their Indigenous KOREid accounts. Any company working with this governing body (Federal, municipalities, First Nations, etc..) will be mandated to adopt the Indigenous KOREid for any project they collaborate with the community on.
*Note: This software is a net positive for these vendors as it has sophisticated safety protocols, timesheet management tools, customizable forms, etc...
The INDIGENOUS INCLUSION INDEX will provide us with an eagle eye view of who is available in the workforce for on-going projects. We will use this information to prompt employers to hire these people.